- Energetic, dynamic, customer oriented, clear vision.
- Operational Policy: profit sharing.
- Quality Policy: Satisfy customer's requirement, safe, durable, and economical.
- Our own brand
( Quality standard is equivalent to Japan major brand valves ).
- Quality assurance is fully implemented, every valve is fully inspected, and sample the castings by PT test frequently.
- Every valve is tagged with a nameplate, which can be used for tracking the machining, assembly, and pressure test records.
- Every lot of shipment is accompanied with Mill Certificates and Pressure Test Reports to the end-users. Additional, follow-up work like maintenance will be provided after the sales of our valve products.

- Being long-term contracted major constructive companies at Taiwan market:
2) China Steel Corp.
3) San-fu Corp.
4) Chinese Petroleum Taoyuan Oil refinery.
5) China American Petrochemical Corp.
6) Cheng Chen Machinery Co., Ltd.
7) Taiwan Styrene Monomer Corporation.
8) TSRC Corporation.
9) ShinChang Natural Gas Co.,Ltd.
10) Yu miao Natural Gas Co. Ltd.
- Plant built projecting company:
1) Taiwan Cements Chemical Corp.
2) Ba-Li Incinerator Projecting Corp.
3) Southern incinerator projecting Corp.
4) Lan-wu incinerator projecting Corp.
5) Scino Pharmaceutical Taiwan Ltd.
6) Dairen Chemical Corporation.
7) Shiny Chemical Industrial Co., Ltd.
8) Dragon Steel Corporation.
9) Cheng Shin Rubber IND. CO., LTD.
10) CPC Corporation, Taiwan.
11) VEDAN Enterprise Corporation.

- Other major customers like: Formosa Taiwan Corp., OUCC, Dairen Chemical Corporation, Dragon Steel Corporation, Cheng Shin Rubber IND. CO., LTD., GRAND PACIFIC PETROCHEMICAL Corporation, Shiny Chemical Industrial Co., Ltd., Chimei Corporation, Pacific Hospital Supply Co.,Ltd. and so on.
- We specialize on designing new valves to meet the client's needs and expectations; we also have the experienced engineers to do the maintenance works.
- We are the qualified company for supplying valves to Tai-power. (Electrical Equipment committee)
- We can dispatch our technical personnel to deliver a formal presentation and accept O.E.M and O.D.M orders with long-term cooperation.